Texas CHL Shooting Test
3 yards, 20 rounds
1 shot in 2 seconds, 5 times
2 shots in 3 seconds, 5 times
5 shots in 10 seconds, 1 time
7 yards, 20 rounds
5 shots in 10 seconds, 1 time
2 shots in 4 seconds, 1 time
3 shots in 6 seconds, 1 time
1 shot in 3 seconds, 5 times
5 shots in 15 seconds, 1 time
15 yards, 10 rounds
2 shots in 6 seconds, 1 time
3 shots in 9 seconds, 1 time
5 shots in 15 seconds, 1 time
8, 9, 10 Rings = 5 Points
7 Ring = 4 Points
On Target outside of 7 = 3 Points
50 Shots Total = 250 Possible Points
175 Points Needed to Pass
You get three attempts to pass. A 70% score (175 points) is a passing score, but in our opinion anyone that cannot pass with a 90% score on the first try should seriously consider additional training to improve shooting ability.